Puget Sound Technology in the news ...
FreeBSD Unix class in Fort Worth, Texas
(Thursday December 08, 2005 (05:30 PM GMT))
Linux PR: FreeBSD Unix Training to be held in September in Phoenix, AZ
(Aug 23rd, 2005 16:21 UTC)
BSDFreak: FreeBSD training to be held in Phoenix, Az., USA in September
(Wed, 24 Aug 2005 03:02:02 GMT)
Daemon News: FreeBSD Unix training to be held in September in Phoenix, Ariz.
(Wed, 24 Aug 2005 02:58:46 GMT)
NewsForge: FreeBSD Unix class to be held in Sept. in Phoenix
(Tuesday August 23, 2005 04:00 PM GMT)
Linux PR: Unix system administration training in Phoenix, Ariz.
(Oct 17th, 2004 18:36 UTC)
BSD News: FreeBSD Admin Class in Phoenix, Arizona
(Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:37:58 GMT)
OpenBSD Journal: [Announcement] Seattle Area OpenBSD class
(Wed May 26 04:05:46 2004 (GMT))
LinuxPR: Upcoming BSD System Admin classes in Seattle, Wash.
(Tue, 25 May 2004 15:58:54 GMT)
Daemon News: Upcoming BSD courses in Seattle, Washington
(Mon, 24 May 2004 15:31:51 GMT)
NewsForge: *BSD classes to be taught in Seattle, Wash.
(Friday May 21, 2004 (07:32 PM GMT)
Daemon News: Intro to Pkgsrc lecture to be at LinuxFest Northwest
(Sat, 17 Apr 2004 04:13:59 GMT)
NewsForge: Samba Lecture in Everett, Washington on April 8
(Wednesday March 24, 2004 - [ 02:35 PM GMT ])
NewsForge: Apache Web Server Class in Everett, Wash.
(Wednesday March 17, 2004 - [ 11:03 PM GMT ])
NewsForge: BSD admin training in February in Seattle
(Monday December 01, 2003 - [ 01:30 AM GMT ])
LinuxPR: FreeBSD Training in February in Seattle, Washington
(Nov 30th, 00:37 UTC)
DaemonNews: NetBSD administration training class to be taught in Seattle, Washington
(14 October 2003)
Puget Sound Technology teaching BIND, Postfix and Apache classes in Seattle, Wash.
(Oct 6th, 20:03 UTC)
NewsForge: BIND, Postfix and Apache classes to be taught in Seattle
(Monday October 06, 2003 - [ 03:33 PM ])
OpenBSD Journal: Seattle Area BSD class
(Saturday August 16, @ 09:53AM)
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology teaching *BSD Administration Class in Seattle, Washington
(Wednesday August 13, 2003 - [ 03:30 PM ])
LinuxPR: Puget Sound Technology teaching *BSD class in Seattle, Washington
(Aug 5th, 07:37 UTC)
Computer Source Magazine: Linux Lifestyles, Page 42
(August 2003)
LinuxPR: Puget Sound Technology teaching Unix Shell Essentials
(Jul 18th, 18:04 UTC)
Daemon News: BSD administrator training in September in Seattle, Washington
(17 July 2003)
NewsForge: Unix Shell Essentials class
(Wednesday July 16, 2003 - [ 11:01 AM ])
LinuxPR: Introduction to Samba workshop in Everett, Washington
(Jul 2nd, 2003 13:24 UTC)
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology teaching Samba lecture in Everett, Washington
(Thursday June 19, 2003 - [ 11:30 PM GMT ])
LinuxJournal PR: BSD Unix administration training in Phoenix, Arizona
(Monday, June 09, 2003)
LinuxPR: BSD Administration class to be held in Phoenix, Arizona
(Jun 6th, 03:34 UTC)
Newsforge: Puget Sound Technology teaching FreeBSD class in Phoenix, Arizona
(Tuesday May 06, 2003 - [ 02:32 PM GMT ])
Newsforge: LinuxFest Northwest to be held April 26 in Bellingham, Washington
(Wednesday April 23, 2003 - [ 01:22 PM GMT ])
LinuxPR: Open source experts and advocates to flock to LinuxFest Northwest 2003
(Apr 23rd, 12:14 UTC)
Newsforge: Puget Sound Technology offering netfilter/iptables
(Friday April 11, 2003 - [ 03:02 PM GMT ])
LinuxPR: Intro to netfilter/iptables workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Apr 9th, 17:56 UTC)
LinuxJournal PR: Puget Sound Technology Teaching Postfix Mail Server Administration Workshop
(Monday, March 24, 2003)
Newsforge: Puget Sound Technology teaching Postfix Mail Server
(Tuesday March 25, 2003 - [ 10:02 AM GMT ])
Newsforge: Intensive BSD sysadmin training is available, but no certs
Also at
(Tuesday January 21, 2003 - [ 09:25 AM GMT ])
LinuxJournal PR: Puget Sound Technology teaching Apache class in Phoenix, Arizona
(Friday, January 17, 2003)
Daily Daemon News: Puget Sound Technology teaching NetBSD class in Phoenix, Arizona
(10 January 2003)
Everett Herald: Business FYI: Internet Web server administration
(Monday, October 21, 2002)
OpenBSD Journal:
Upcoming OpenBSD System Administration classes
(Saturday October 19, @ 12:08AM)
LinuxJournal PR: Puget Sound Technology teaching Apache HTTP Server workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Thursday, October 17, 2002)
LinuxNews: Daemon News expanding *BSD training
"Daemon News in partnership with Puget Sound Technology is now providing
NetBSD and OpenBSD training in addition to its FreeBSD classes."
(Tuesday October 15 2002 @ 06:41PM CDT)
NewsForge: Daemon News to provide NetBSD, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD classes
"[The] NetBSD and OpenBSD training will by taught in
partnership by Puget Sound Technology ..."
(Wednesday October 16, 2002 - [ 12:03 PM GMT ])
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology announces NetBSD updates
(Tuesday October 08, 2002 - [ 12:21 PM GMT ])
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology teaching Apache workshop
(Monday October 07, 2002 - [ 06:42 PM GMT ])
Linux PR: Intro to Apache workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Oct 7th, 14:20 UTC)
Puget Sound Technology Teaching Samba Workshop in Everett, Washington
(Wednesday, September 11, 2002)
Daemon News : September 2002 Editorial
"... We released NetBSD 1.5.3 on CDs, and
included a third CD from Puget Sound Technology that has a few nice
features. ..."
Linux PR: Puget Sound Technology teaching Samba workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Aug 22nd, 15:20 UTC)
NewsForge: Intro to Samba workshop in Everett, Washington
(Thursday August 22, 2002 - [ 12:08 PM GMT ])
Daemon News: Commercial Binary Update Service Available for NetBSD
(01 August 2002)
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology provides Binary Update service for NetBSD
(Thursday August 01, 2002 - [ 10:07 PM GMT ])
Linux PR: Getting started with Linux class in Everett, Wash.
(Jul 29th, 17:41 UTC)
VarLinux: Linux Installation Class in Everett, Washington
(Friday, July 26 @ 22:42:10 PDT)
NewsForge: Linux installation class in Everett, Wash.
(Friday July 19, 2002 - [ 04:43 AM GMT ])
LinuxNews: Intro to DNS using BIND workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Wednesday July 3, 2002 19:33:08 GMT)
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology offering DNS administration
(Wednesday July 03, 2002 - [ 12:20 PM GMT ])
Linux PR: Intro to DNS workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Jun 25th, 04:08 UTC)
LinuxJournal PR: Puget Sound Technology Teaching DNS Workshop in Everett, Washington
(Monday, June 24, 2002)
LinuxNews: Apache Web Server Workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Wednesday May 08 2002 @ 06:45PM CDT)
LinuxJournal PR: Puget Sound Technology offers Apache Web Server Workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Wednesday, May 08, 2002)
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology teaching Apache Workshop in Everett, Wash
Also at
(Wednesday May 08, 2002 - [ 04:11 AM GMT ])
VarLinux: Apache Administration Workshop in Everett, WA
(Tuesday, May 07 @ 16:28:00 PDT)
Linux PR: Intro to Apache workshop in Everett, Wash.
(May 5th, 01:02 UTC)
Everett Herald: Business FYI: Events: Linux and BSD computer and network security
(Monday, April 22, 2002)
: Bellingham, Wash., LinuxFest 2002 to be held April 20
(Friday April 12, 2002 - [ 05:56 PM GMT ])
NewsForge: Puget Sound Technology offering security workshop
(Saturday April 06, 2002 - [ 08:27 AM GMT ])
LinuxNews: Puget Sound Technology offering security workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Friday April 05 2002 @ 07:53PM CST)
LinuxToday: Linux and BSD Security Workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Apr 3, 2002, 03 :00 UTC)
Linux PR: Linux and BSD security workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Apr 2nd, 14:38 UTC)
Linux PR: Puget Sound Technology offers ongoing open source training
(Mar 7th, 23:09 UTC)
LinuxJournal PR:
Open Source Workshops in Everett, Washington
(Tuesday, March 05, 2002)
NewsForge: Mail server administration workshop in Everett, Wash.
(Monday March 04, 09:28 PM EST)
Linux PR: Puget
Sound Technology to ease Linux server administration
(Friday, Dec. 14, 2001, 20:12 UTC)
Puget Sound Technology announces server maintenance
(Friday, December 14, 2001 07:56 AM EST)
Source Schools: Free Intro to Open Source for Snohomish county, Washington schools
(Monday, September 10 2001 @ 12:17 PM PDT)