Puget Sound Technology
Linux, BSD, and Open Source Unix Class and Workshops Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us plan for upcoming classes and workshops and help provided needed training.

How often would you be interested in attending workshops or classes?

What days are best for you? (You may choose multiple days.)

Share any comments about specific days or times here:

How long should a workshop session last?

Are you interested in classes or workshops that last multiple days?
Yes No

Are you interested in multiple workshops covering different topics on the same day?
Yes No

Where would you like to attend classes or workshops?
Other location:

Are you primarily interested in hands-on (one computer per student) or lecture type training?
hands-on lecture

How much will you pay for lecture-type workshops?
$ per workshop
$ per hour

How much will you pay for hands-on (one computer per student) classes?
$ per workshop
$ per hour

What topics are you interested in attending?
Building a security plan
Configuring and building BSD kernels
Configuring and building Linux kernels
Introduction and using open source office suites
Open source licensing
Installing Linux
Installing BSD
Installing and configuring Apache webserver
Configuring and troubleshooting DNS using BIND
Configuring and troubleshooting a Mail Transfer Agent using Exim
Presentation introducing Linux, BSD, and open source
Other topics:


Zip code:

Email address:

Sign up for training announcements mailing list

Any other comments, questions or suggestions:

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BSD training, Linux training, open source training, BSD classes, Linux classes, unix training, seattle, snohomish, everett, washington